My Absolute Favorite Brunch Place This week I met a dear friend at Cheever’s Cafe for brunch on Saturday. This is Ana. This picture of Ana is not at Cheever’s Cafe. This is a picture of Ana at Harvey’s Bakery from 2 months ago because I forgot to get a picture of us at Cheever’s.…
It is that time of year where our refrigerator is filling up with gallon bags of harvest like okra, peppers and more. It reminded me that, although I’ve made plenty of basil pesto, I need to get busy before the basil gets hits with the cool night temperatures and whip up some Shishito Pepper Basil…
Shrimp and grits is a traditional dish that originates in the Lowcountry of the coastal Carolinas and Georgia in the United States and was originally purposed as a breakfast dish using ground hominy. Later, southern restaurants and chefs began to elevate the dish, and now it is a foodie favorite with as many varieties as…
I ABSOLUTELY remember the day I had my first blessed taste of Thai Basil Chicken Stir-Fry. Mr. Wonderful had introduced me to Thai food and it was love at first glorious bite. The salty, sweet, spicy and sour notes zinged off all my tasted buds and I remember thinking, “this is like…the most perfect of…
Detroit Style Pizza in OKC If you’ve ever tried Detroit-style pizza before and you are a resident of Oklahoma City, you really should run, not walk over to Rendezvous Pizza because you are going to be really, REALLY happy. I may have mentioned this before but I hail from the great state of Michigan, the…
It’s no secret that I have a deep love for all Thai food, thus the creation of this Thai Cucumber Salad we had last night for dinner. The flavors of Thai are just an explosion in your mouth. There is sweet, hot, sour and salty. There are usually herbs and peppers and all sorts of…
What do you do with hungry men when it’s too cold and nasty outside to grill? Today’s answer is this; a Cowboy Steak and Beans recipe which is a one-pot wonder that will fill up even the heartiest of menfolk! I started making a similar recipe from Jamie Oliver. I just LOVE almost anything that…
The advantages of a greenhouse far outweigh not having one. But many people are intimidated by the whole process so today I am going to show you how to plant in a greenhouse. If you need a starter plan for a greenhouse, see how we built ours by clicking here for Part 1 and clicking…