• District 21 at Francis Tuttle School of the Culinary Arts

    September 24, 2013DishinandDishes

    This past weekend, I was given the treat of trying out the new fancy schmancy restaurant called District 21 at Francis Tuttle School of the Culinary Arts. Tuesday night,  June 18th, District 21 opened its doors to you, the public for dining pleasure! District 21 will be a place for culinary students to work out…

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  • Francis Tuttle Culinary School of the Arts

    December 18, 2012DishinandDishes

    The recipe for Migas that Chef Marc Dunham made this morning on Rise & shine with me can be found by clicking below! Migas – Printable Recipe (by Marc Dunham) “Stunning” is the word that Marc Dunham, Director of the new Culinary Arts at Francis Tuttle Vo-Tech uses to describe the massive new wing that’s…

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  • Platt My Plate

    September 29, 2011DishinandDishes

    I think this is an aweome event and would love to let OKC know about it!  From a Press Release for Platt College: Platt College Kicks Off an Oklahoma Food Revolution Families invited to free hands-on cooking expo

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  • Table One

    April 22, 2011DishinandDishes

    Table One 611 N. Broadway Oklahoma City, OK 405.607.8131  (Table One is no longer operating)   Have you heard of Table One? Perhaps you’re wondering where this restaurant is located?  Well folks, it’s not a restaurant, not in any normal sense of the word. Table One is more of a culinary savoir-fare of extreme pleasure. …

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