Chocolate Giveaway Winners!
The winners in the Chocolate Giveway randomly generated on are #3 and #10!
HotRocNRol says: lil Bride & I are going to the play at Moore Community Theater and late dinner @ our fave Sushi-GoGo then home for some………………… zzzzzzzzzzzz. Maybe that Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate giveaway will change it to “home for Chocolate and smiles ”
TerritoryMom SaiOkay, since we are Okies we will be going to the horse sale in Bristow. It is every two weeks and it happens to fall on Valentines Day. It is somewhat romantic because my husband took me to the horse sale on our 2nd date and it was there that I knew I was in love with him and the horses!
Also, the sale barn cafe has the best food in town!! I mean the best!!
Yes, I do have a male reader named HotRocNRol. Love that I have a male reader!
Congratulations! Check your e-mail for instructions on your package!
And Sharon…39 years with a Mr. Wonderful…HOW NICE!
Friends (and their sweeties), enjoy your chocolate and have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!
And thanks to Dove and Angela for this great giveaway..once again – visit her Facebook page to see the incredible opportunities and chocolates you can get from her!
February 8, 2011 at 9:43 am
February 8, 2011 at 1:41 pm