Monday Night Monkeys

April 12, 2011Katie

Mondays at our house are always just a little bit different.

Last year, we got rid of the trampoline, which was a scary thing to have with 30 kids at your house.  But you know, I’ve discovered they will pretty much be monkeys anytime, anywhere with just a tree in the backyard.

And once one kid tries something, they all have to.

The boys were pretty natural.  The girls…while they got up okay…and posed real pretty..

They were a little timid on the “climb down” part.

Well, exept Mariah…she seemed perfectly at ease..the little monkey.

So then came the fun task of getting the boys organized for a picture.You know that anytime teenage boys get together there will be showing off.  There will be pushing and shoving (all in good fun of course), and things like this will happen.

So finally, after much horsing around…

I sort of got them organized and got a picture snapped.

The girls, being the dainty flowers that they are, decided to make the boys look bad and built a rather lopsided pyramid…but it was only lopsided because they lacked the correct number to make it happen!

This happened wayyy faster than the boys shot did, by the way, which just goes to show, women’s organizational skills and attention spans are much better than men’s.

Can’t tell I’m a girl can ya?

And then, the group shot, along with me setting the timer and running to get in the shot..well it is suprising that it turned out pretty good.

Do I look out of breath?

I love my Monday night kids so much.

For real I do!


  • Fran J

    April 13, 2011 at 11:48 am

    all kids love trees. I have one in the front yard that has always been an attraction for my grands. Great photo op site. what a great bunch of kids you all have.
  • Alyse

    April 13, 2011 at 12:59 pm

    I wish that I had known a family like yours when I was growing up. You are planting seeds of faith and love that they will keep with them, forever.

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