When You Can’t Find Creme Fraiche…Make it Yourself!

November 19, 2009Katie

How to make Creme Fraiche


As I was making my Butternut Squash Bisque with Sage Cream the other day, I was extremely frustrated to find that my hometown does not carry Creme Fraiche.

I shouldn’t be surprised.  We like to chase greased pigs in these parts.

Not really.  Oklahoma City actually has a really good selection of gourmet food items, if you know where to look.  However, I’ve looked and I haven’t found Creme Fraiche.  Usually, if you can find it in your stores, it’s horribly expensive.

Creme Fraiche is a thick and soured cream,  but super smooth and silky in texture. It’s sweet and a little tangy with hints of nuttiness.  And it’s delicious on a variety of thing, both savory and sweet.  It’s especially wonderful on fresh fruit, berries and cobblers.  I wanted to stir it into my bisque, but no such luck.

If you’re wanting to use it in a recipe, make it the day before.  Here’s how.

Here are the simple ingredients you’ll need.

Heavy whipping cream, buttermilk.

That’s it.

Pour one cup of the whipping cream into a bowl.  Add in 2 tablespoons of buttermilk and stir it up good.  Microwave it for about 60 seconds just to warm it.

Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and put it in a warm, dry, safe place for 16-24 hours.

If you live in my house, leave a note telling people not to touch it!

And that’s it, just leave it sit for about 24 hours. If it’s still runny, you’ll need to transfer it to a warmer place.

Bacteria you say? No worries – the benign live bacteria in the buttermilk will multiply and protect the cream from any harmful bacteria.  Creme Fraiche is just fine to leave out for now.

I’ll post another post in 24 hours and show you what it looks like.  Then i need to figure out what I’m using it for.

Katie’s Printable Recipe – Homemade Créme Fraîche

Cooking with Love,


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