What You're Supposed to do in Snow

December 26, 2009Katie

I’m not a native Southerner.  I was actually born and lived in Michigan the first half of my life.

In Michigan, this kind of snow is not abnormal.

In fact, it kind of hangs around -for months.

Here in Oklahoma, however, it’s very abnormal.

We heard on the news we haven’t had this much snow since 2002 and before that, 1985 or something.  I also heard something about 1892.  I think that may be an exaggeration, something we also like to do here in the south when we get a little snow or ice.  It’s always like – a national disaster.  People are in ditches everywhere and holed up in their houses for a week. Everyone closes up shop.  We just aren’t equipped to handle stuff like this, and way out of practice on driving in it.  I think Oklahoma City has 2 snowplows or something, so we aren’t going to be dug out in the next day or so.

The snow woke us up on Christmas Eve and continued through the day.  It’s the first truly white Christmas I remember in a long time.

It was wonderful.

Snow is fun when you’re a kid.  My mom and dad used to dress us up in snowsuits and lock us out for hours. We’d come in and dump a pile of snowclothes, boots and mittens all over the entryway.  We’d come in and warm up, eat, go to the bathroom and then head back out.  Snow forts were waiting to be built, snowball fights waiting to be played, and we invented a fun game of tag to be played by pacing a giant circle in the fresh untouched snow.  We would  make an X across it and you had to stay on the track and couldn’t get off, unless you got tagged. Then you were “it”.

Only people from the north understand the importance of snow angels.  Melisa and Steven stopped by on Christmas Day. Steven is from Minnesota and his Mom made him promise to send a picture of them making snow angels.

As you can see from the picture, Steven is a pro.  He’s from the North.  Melisa isn’t quite getting the concept.

In fact, I think at this point she was hollering at me…”Hurry up! I’m freezing!”

And then she raised her head and screamed at Conner to come and get them out.  Adults aren’t the best at getting out of 24 inches of snow.  I think snow angels are more fun and easier for younguns, what do you think?



  • Barbara Spillman

    December 28, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    I enjoyed your article and pics on the snow blizzard in OKC. I've been here in Denver on vacation, and though they receive alot of snow here, it's not a disaster because of all the equipment on hand for it. But in OK, because it's rare, it does create a disaster. I grew up in Chicago, IL and have many fond memories of the snow as you do from Michigan. I remember sliding down the streets with my siblings in our boots, as if we had on ice skates, but didn't; the many snowmen we built, sled rides, snow angels, and yes licking on the footlong icicles we broke off of our house. I never had to drive in it though because my family moved to OKC when I was 17. Now here in Denver with my grandson, I've experienced the joy of watching him at 18 mos. sled gleefully down a snowy hill with a big grin on his cherubic face. Children truly make snow fun!!
  • Michael Powell

    January 14, 2010 at 6:07 am

    Hey, I stumbled across your blog through Yahoo and just wanted to say that I really like it. I'll definitely be bookmarking it!
    1. dishinanddishes

      January 14, 2010 at 5:19 pm

      Michael - awesome! Welcome! Glad you stumbled over me...or found me..or something!

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