Things to top Steaks With
Today on my Rise & Shine Segment, we’ll go over two ways to make steak toppings that will bump your steaks up from ordinary to extraordinary.
One is a saucy topping and one is a compound butter. Try one or both…and watch your family and friends kiss your feet!
Or maybe, if you’re like me, you don’t want anyone near your feet! Well, they’ll kiss you anyway!
(What the video of us making this on Rise & Shine today by clicking Play below!)
First up, a repost of deliciousness…Brown Sugared Balsamic Mushrooms!
If you’d like to visit the full blog post on this one..please click here or just print the printable recipe below!
Katie’s Printable Recipe – Brown Sugared Balsamic Mushrooms
The second is a compound butter involving bleu cheese, chives and …you guessed it…butter!
Visit this post as well by clicking here!
Katie’s Printable Recipe – Blue Cheese Herbed Butter
Serve these both with your next steak. Whoever your dine with will sing your praises, buy you flowers or just plain fall in love with you.
April 8, 2012 at 8:31 am
April 8, 2012 at 8:57 am