Two weekends ago we drove up to Tulsa with our food adventure friends Joy and Dale to the first annual Baconfest Tulsa 2013. Bacon, long ago discarded as simply a breakfast staple is now becoming a food group unto it itself as was proved in the taste tests we experienced perusing from booth to booth.…
On the second day of my Tulsa trip last week, I guested on Good Day Tulsa on KTUL Channel 8 with Laura Moss and Chef Matt Kelley. My daughter goes to college in Tulsa so she spent the night with me at my hotel and rode with me. We wound our way up this hill.…
I spent Monday and Tuesday in Tulsa on two TV segments on two morning news casts. Monday morning I was on Fox 23 Daybreak show. (See video below). I also spent some time with my daughter Kayla who goes to school in Tulsa. We ate sushi and drank chai tea lattes. We slept in some…
During our Tulsa tasting weekend, Mr. Wonderful and I tried this place – The Sushi Place. On an otherwise drab and colorless downtown street with a view of the BOK Center, a burgundy awning draws one’s eye to beckon you inside… For sushi. This is our kind of sushi place. It may not be expensively…