• Look Fear in the Face

    May 1, 2009DishinandDishes

    So, I want you to meet my guest author and a very special person to me.  Taylor has just tonight introduced me to Madea…and I have laughed so hard, I am plum laughed out. She is an incredibly strong and talented young lady who has always impressed me with her constant stand for her beliefs…

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  • Teenager Lesson #1 -Kids Need to Have a Purpose

    April 14, 2009DishinandDishes

    This is what you’ll see at our house on any given Monday.   Monday evenings, we open our house  to a small group we affectionately named wIrEd.  Why? I can’t remember…I think it was because they all used to come in with Monster and RedBull Drinks, but I’m not sure.  But it is an appropriately…

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