• Senior Prom the Way it Should Be

    April 27, 2009DishinandDishes

    This is Kayla and her friend Tyler.  They went to Kayla’s senior prom Friday night and we hosted a little get together with the other parents to take pictures at our house.  We did hors d’œuvres and sparkling grape juice for them.  Oh, and by the way, you won’t see any pictures of me with…

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  • Teenager Lesson #1 -Kids Need to Have a Purpose

    April 14, 2009DishinandDishes

    This is what you’ll see at our house on any given Monday.   Monday evenings, we open our house  to a small group we affectionately named wIrEd.  Why? I can’t remember…I think it was because they all used to come in with Monster and RedBull Drinks, but I’m not sure.  But it is an appropriately…

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