• Homemade Almond Butter

    March 22, 2012DishinandDishes

    Last month while visiting my brother and sis-in-law in Phoenix, we visited a Trader Joe’s store.  I purchased a jar of almond butter there and then proceeded over the next month to languish over the jar, inserting a small spoon in it and savoring each nutty tasting in order to slowly stall to the day…

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  • How to Make Almond Butter – My New Obsession

    May 30, 2011DishinandDishes

    Last month while visiting my brother and sis-in-law in Phoenix, we visited a Trader Joe’s store.  I purchased a jar of almond butter there and then proceeded over the next month to languish over the jar, inserting a small spoon in it and savoring each nutty tasting in order to slowly stall to the day…

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