• New Healthy Section of the Blog is Up!

    January 6, 2011DishinandDishes

    I’m done and it’s up! The new Healthy Dishes section of the blog is here! Right now, I’ve just gone through and added previous dishes I’ve made that use healthy ingredients such as olive oil, honey and balsamic vinegar to flavor food instead of cream, butter and the likes. If you’re dieting seriously, please note…

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  • The Proverbial New Year’s Resolution

    December 30, 2010DishinandDishes

    These are but a few of the things I’ve made over the past year here on the Dishes section of the blog. Can I be honest with you? I’ve kind of had it with rich food. Why are you laughing?  I’m serious!  If you followed my family for a week, you would see that I…

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