• Southern Country Green Beans and New Potatoes

    September 18, 2013DishinandDishes

    My Aunt Jane left me a post on my Facebook wall the other day saying “I made your Southern country red potatoes and green  beans recipe today…yummy!” I confess, it’s been so long since I’ve made these, I had to stop and think about what she was talking about. I learned to make this shortly…

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  • Navy Bean Soup

    January 31, 2013DishinandDishes

    I have been on a soup kick ever since the cold has hit us this winter. This was, I believe, the third soup recipw I made in a week.  And it was just down-home-goodness in a bowl.  Navy Bean Soup is a memory from growing up as a child at dining at a local place I…

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  • Skillet Breakfast Hash – A One Pot Wonder

    November 21, 2009DishinandDishes

    A cast iron skillet. My mom gave me this skillet, and I’m reluctant to post this recipe because I’m afraid she’ll ask for it back. Mom, are you reading? If so, you’re not getting it back!  Mr. Wonderful won’t let you have it after this morning’s breakfast! Skillet Breakfast Hash. Start by pouring 2 tablespoons…

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