• Thoughts of Friendships Past…

    November 6, 2009DishinandDishes

    Tonight Mr. Wonderful was working late.  The kids were all gone and I was home alone.  I rented a movie that probably only I would love.  It was based on the story of 4 women who had remained friends through every kind of trial.  No matter what happened in their lives, if one of them…

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  • A New Spice Rack – It doesn't Take alot to Make Me Happy

    October 2, 2009DishinandDishes

    If you love to cook, you know. You know that a kitchen gadget can make your heart sing.  It’s the little things… Like this spice rack. It sets at an angle and will fit in a drawer.  Because it’s at an angle, the bottom plate is magnetized.  And so are the spice bottles.   And…

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  • Farmer Market Finds

    May 30, 2009DishinandDishes

    I love the week when the Farmer’s Market opens.  There are several that open in our city after Memorial Day.   This morning I  visited a small one not too far from our house.  There is something about strolling beneath the white and yellow striped canopies and browsing through  the not-so-perfect vegetables that our local…

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  • Un-rigid Love!

    May 23, 2009DishinandDishes

    Here is Taylor again…I love that she messaged me on Facebook to tell me that she had a word from God!  I love it when young people have inspiration and are feeding their spirits.  I love it when a young lady has a voice in the world other than the line that society feeds them…

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  • A Purpose? Me?

    May 15, 2009DishinandDishes

    The true definition of a special girl.  That’s Caitlyn. She is always a breath of fresh air and has a smile for everyone.  She has a sweet spirit about her and such a willing heart for God.  Come along with me and listen to this young lady speak what God has put on her heart. (Courtesy…

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  • Look Fear in the Face

    May 1, 2009DishinandDishes

    So, I want you to meet my guest author and a very special person to me.  Taylor has just tonight introduced me to Madea…and I have laughed so hard, I am plum laughed out. She is an incredibly strong and talented young lady who has always impressed me with her constant stand for her beliefs…

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  • All for the Glory of God

    April 27, 2009DishinandDishes

    Meet Kayla…senior in high school, worship leader in youth at her church, Senior class chaplain and looking forward to a life in service for Christ in Christian music.  You might recognize her from other posts…yes, she’s my daughter and the first to submit a word of wisdom from the mouth of a teen on Dishin.…

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  • Senior Prom the Way it Should Be

    April 27, 2009DishinandDishes

    This is Kayla and her friend Tyler.  They went to Kayla’s senior prom Friday night and we hosted a little get together with the other parents to take pictures at our house.  We did hors d’œuvres and sparkling grape juice for them.  Oh, and by the way, you won’t see any pictures of me with…

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