Sweet Potato Casserole with Pecan Streudal
This is my family’s favorite Thanksgiving side dish.
Hands down.
I can’t ever seem to get a finished picture of it as I’m prepping to get it on the table.
And then it’s attacked.
And mutilated.
And gone!
I started this blog because of my daughters actually. When Tori went away to college, she kept calling me for recipes. She’d keep me on my cell asking questions. I thought, hmmm…there’s gotta be an easier way. Now Kayla’s gone off to college too. There’s gonna be a daughter mutiny if I don’t get this recipe on here soon. We lovingly call this recipe “Good as Dessert Sweet Potatoes”. at our house. It’s that yummy.
Here’s how I make it.
Take 7 or 8 pretty good size sweet potatoes. Keep the skins on. It’ll help them stay nice and bright orange.
Toss them in a large pot and cover them by at least an inch with water.
Sweet potatoes are kind of ugly things. Sometimes they have hairy things on them, reminiscent of one on my chin that Mr. Wonderful has to pluck out of my chin about every 2 months.
Did I just say that out loud?
Put your pot on high on your stove. When the water starts to boil, cover them and let them boil for about 45 minutes or until you can stick a fork in them and they feel nice and soft. Drain them and fill the pot with cold water. You can let them set a bit to cool down, or be stupid like me and just pick them up and burn your hands. Squeeze them in the middle and the inner flesh should just pop right out. Sometimes you have to peel the skin off.
Okay, disclaimer.
This is not a diet recipe.
For all you New Year’s Resolution dieting people out there, look away.
And quick!
You’ll need these ingredients.

Add in 1 cup of sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, and 1/2 cup of melted butter.
Turn on your mixer and whip this stuff up until it’s really smooth. I use the whisk attachment on my KitchenAid.
Then spoon it into a 9 x 13 baking dish that’s been sprayed.
Now for the topping. In a separate bowl, dump in 1/2 c softened butter, 2/3 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 cup of flour, and 1 cup of chopped nuts.
Get your best mixing tools out – your hands!
Please wash them first. No one wants your grimy, messy hands on their topping!
But hey, who will know right?
Mix the stuff up with your fingertips by smooshing it all together.
Now evenly sprinkle this stuff over the top of your sweet potato puree.
Pop this into your oven at 350º and bake for about 45 minutes. The top should get all nice and browned and crunchy.
Purely optional: As if that’s not enough sugar, Tori requires us to cover the top with mini-marshmallows. Pop it back under the broiler for about a minute until the marshmallows swell up and get nice and brown on the top.
I swear the next time I make this I am going to beat the family off with a stick, lock them in a closet and get a picture of the final product.
Cuz it’s to die for.
Cooking with Love,
- 7-8 fresh sweet potatoes
- 1 c. sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 t. vanilla
- ½ c. melted butter
- ½ c. butter room temp.
- ⅔ c. brown sugar
- ½ c. flour
- 1 c. chopped nuts (I use pecans)
- Optional: mini-marshmallows
- Preheat oven to 350º
- Boil sweet potatoes in large pot with water covering over them by one inch.
- Boil about 45 minutes or until fork inserts easily and potatoes feel very soft.
- Drain potatoes and pour cool water over them. Allow to cool to touch.
- Squeeze out of skins into large mixing bowl. Add remaining ingredients (in the puree ingredients only, not the topping ones!) and whip with mixer until very smooth.
- Spoon into greased or sprayed 9 x 13 baking dish.
- Put all ingredients into bowl. Smoosh with fingers until all are mixed together well. Mixture should resemble coarse crumbs. Sprinkle over top of puree. Bake for 45 minutes.
- Optional: After baking, top with mini-marshmallows and broil just until marshmallows turn brown, about 1-2 minutes under broiler.

January 7, 2010 at 6:52 pm
January 7, 2010 at 8:26 pm
January 8, 2010 at 5:11 am
Fran J
January 8, 2010 at 6:07 pm
June 6, 2012 at 1:51 pm
June 7, 2012 at 7:23 am
November 19, 2012 at 2:24 pm