Spicy Southwest Pretzels

March 22, 2012Katie

Living in Oklahoma has changed my tastebuds a bit, so to speak.

The flavors in the southwest are full of spice and wonder.  The other day while at my friend Melisa’s (pronounced Ma lee sa) place, she served these amazing spicy/savory pretzels and I am now addicted.

I seem to be using that word a lot lately in regard to food – addicted.

Back to the pretzels…

Seriously, once you start popping these things into your mouth, you can’t stop.


Mix together a few ingredients in a bag or bowl and dump in a whole bag of pretzels. Let it set a couple of hours or overnight.  Can it be easier?

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Spicy Southwest Pretzels
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 10
  • ¾ c. canola oil
  • 1 ½ t. lemon pepper
  • ½- 1 t. cayenne pepper (to taste)
  • 1 ½ t. garlic powder or salt
  • 1 packet of Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing dry seasoning mix
  1. Dump first 5 ingredients together into a gallon Ziploc baggie or large bowl. Squish together or mix together with spoon to mix well. Pour in a one-pound bag of pretzels. Close baggie and shake until seasoning and oil is over all pretzels. If using bowl, stir well. Let pretzels marinate for 2 hours before serving. Will appear oily at first but it will go away after 2 hours.


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