Pumpkin Carving Party

Every year two of my most wonderful friends have birthdays in the fall.
This will be year number two that we’ve hosted the birthday party and combined it with another fun activity.
Pumpkin carving!
We put out some folding tables covered in plastic tablecloths, and I bought several carving sets that are available at Wal-Mart and groceries stores for a few dollars a piece.
I also bought several of those paper pattern books that make you an artist even when you aren’t one ((that would be me). Joy was smart and picked a pattern without a lot of fine cuts.
Of course the power drill showed up again but is entirely not necessary while somehow rather empowering. (Not recommended for children or uncoordinated adults or people with anger issues.)
While that was going on, the guys were breaking in our new firepit grill top. The theme was “bring your own meat and side dish to grill”. Simple except for the fact that every single person brought steak and they had to try to remember whose was whose.
We also had some mean games of cornhole going on.
In my defense, I was in the house tending to the food, drinks and waiting on the last couple to show up at the door. By the time I showed up outside, I had to hurry to carve my pumpkin.
I picked an owl pattern to do and literally had to cut it out in 2 minutes before we ate and the judging was going to begin.
Guess what I did? I cut the owl right out of the pumpkin in my haste and Mr. Wonderful took a stick and stuck it back in the hole, 3-D style.
I sensed his pity and being ever so gallant, he tried to help me out.
I don’t think there was any help for my pumpkin.
We enjoyed dinner and then, fat and happy we got to lighting the pumpkins for judging.
From the left – Mr. Wonderful’s free-form “Fireplace with Moon”, Pat’s free-form “Blazing Cross”, Steve & Melisa’s “The Face”, Joy’s “Cat & Moon” Dean’s “Spider & Web” or ahem….Katie’s “3-D Owl”.
Which would you vote for?
Afterward we traipsed inside for birthday cake time. Joy requested Cherry Chip cupcakes (made by Joy) and Melisa asked for this..Applesauce Sheet Cake with Divinity Frosting (recipe from Lauren’s Latest found here.)
That was the only really bad picture I snapped of it the night I made it where the frosting appeared to taste and have the consistency of marshmallow creme, but by the party the next day had hardend and tasted just like divinity!
And then …we voted on pumpkins. With peanuts.
It was a tough choice because there were varying things to applaud – like finest detail, most creative and best free-form.
I personally thought an owl stuck on with a stick took immense creativity.
Try as I have, I cannot make that thing look better with photoshop.
The winner that night was …
Dean’s Spider & Web!
The winner after Mr. Wonderful’s Facebook count was Joy’s Cat & Moon, which meant Joy could sort of hold onto her title from last year’s party.
Which one do you think won?
Until next year!