• Crunchy Baked Chicken – The Dish That Made Mr. Wonderful Put Away the Cheetos

    February 12, 2013DishinandDishes

    This Crunchy Baked Chicken recipe is the bomb! When I made it last week, Mr. Wonderful pronounced loudly that he would eat this at least once a week. For you see, Mr. Wonderful has a “crunch addiction”. True story – the man will bring Cheetos to the table for all three meals of the day,…

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  • Not Really Shepherd’s Pie

    January 30, 2013DishinandDishes

    Okay, I admit it.  I’m a sucker for anything with pie crust.  So a traditional shepherd’s pie recipe with a crust of mashed potatoes seems sometimes, well….just sad to me. I have no idea how I started making this pie.  I may have had something similar at a diner years ago and tried to replicate…

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  • Lean Mean Game Day Chili – Superbowl!

    January 30, 2013DishinandDishes

    We love a good chili recipe at our house on game days, especially for the Superbowl.  I love to cook up a pot, put out the fixings, and leave it on the counter all day long in a crock pot to keep warm.  If I make it ahead of time, I can relax, watch the…

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  • Turkey Roulades with Apple Cider Gravy

    November 6, 2012DishinandDishes

      Sometimes on Thanksgiving, you end up with a very small crowd. Sometimes during the Thanksgiving season, you end up doing more than one gathering and you just want something a little different.   A little more intimate. A little bit delicious. Enter Turkey Roulades. You may have heard of chicken tenderloins, but these babies…

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  • Easy Bierocks

    September 4, 2012DishinandDishes

    These Kraut Bierocks are a fond memory of my childhood. Bierocks are meat-filled pocket pastries originating in Eastern Europe, possibly in Germany or Russia, as the dish is very common among theVolga German community in the United States and Argentina. They were brought to the United States in the 1880s by German Russian Mennonite immigrants.(Wikepedia)…

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  • Sweet Chili-Glazed Salmon

    June 27, 2012DishinandDishes

    I knew when I saw this recipe, I must make it.  We’ve been trying, for health benefits, to try and incorporate salmon into our diet more and more. One problem with that. Mr. Wonderful isn’t a salmon fan. He’s a fisherman, just not a salmon fish kind of guy.  I know our adoration for sweet chili…

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  • Skillet Chicken, Potatoes and Mushrooms

    June 12, 2012DishinandDishes

    Kayla and I saw Jamie Oliver make something like this recently and were literally salivating watching him. We decided we had to make it. We changed a few things and added in mushrooms. We’re both obsessed with mushrooms of late. This is a no-brainer, one dish meal that is so good and so easy to…

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  • Easy Brisket

    June 6, 2012DishinandDishes

    I’m almost embarrassed to post this recipe. It’s so easy.  It’s so “don’t even think about it”. But it’s soooooo, so good. Christmas with the kids just begs for something special. Enter the brisket. Fourteen pounds of pure animal red meat. Fourteen pounds of goodness, if cooked properly. Here’s how you do it…so simple, so scrumptious.…

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