Oklahoma Ice Storm April 2013 – Life and Limbs

April 10, 2013Katie

Today we had an ice storm…a beast of an ice storm in Oklahoma City and around the state. welcome to Oklahoma. It was 80º yesterday.

No kidding.

The trees are weeping and bending over under the weight of the glistening and almost eerily beautiful ice. Merciless ice.

2013-04-10 16.39.32

We had one bad casualty.  A limb that fell and bounced off our shed (no damage!) and perched perilously on our back stockade fence.

tree limb oklahoma ice storm

Trees that have grown for years give up on bending and succumb to the laden heaviness with an eerie crackle. Step outside and the chilly stillness of the day is disrupted with the cracking and snapping of many of their limbs. One feels highly unsafe unless out in an area free of limbs.


My budding rose bushes look sickly and broken.

rose bushes oklahoma ice storm

My garden, lovingly protected by Mr. Wonderful last night, might make it through the extended record lows we are supposed to get tomorrow.

Tonight I am thankful for a house with power still working, a strong roof over my head, and the warmth that I feel snuggled under my handmade quilt.


For I know others are not faring so well.


We’re already getting things cleaned up. I just hate what it’s done to the trees.


Look at these poor guys just cowering in our newly mulched and weeded front flowerbed.

2013-04-10 17.03.32

I wonder if our dogs would let them in the house?


  • Marie at the Lazy W

    April 10, 2013 at 7:58 pm

    Whew!! What a crazy couple of days, huh? So glad you guys made it through, with a garden in tact and power on. So sorry about those beautiful old tree limbs... Maybe the trees will grow back stronger and prettier. Cheers to the return of springtime this weekend!! LOL
    1. DishinandDishes

      April 11, 2013 at 8:44 am

      Marie - yes and this weekend, we're back up to the 70's and 80's!
  • Nancy Jackson

    April 14, 2013 at 5:33 pm

    It is amazing how fast it comes and how quickly it goes. Near 80's today and the ice was only a day or so ago!
    1. DishinandDishes

      April 15, 2013 at 10:13 am

      Nancy Jackson...I know, right?!!

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