My Little Greenhouse

Last weekend some friends came over to help Mr. Wonderful put up the base on a new greenhouse he bought me.
He had purchased it a couple weekends back at Harbor Freight (It goes on sale every few months for $200) – it looked fairly simple and while I was super excited about the thought of a greenhouse, well, it looked like it might not quite stand up to our insanely unpredictable Oklahoma winds.
I should never have doubted the Wonderful guy for one minute.
He had plans for this greenhouse. And they didn’t involve the world “Simple”. I love the way the man thinks and how he does things just right. I greatly admire how he takes something and makes it better. I wish I had a mind like that….
He started out by building a base and our friend Dean brought him four heavy duty steel rods that bolted onto the insides of the baseboards and Mr. Wonderful drove them about a foot into the ground, or maybe two…
Once that was down, a layer of light weedblock went down inside, followed by pebbles and a rubberized walkway down the center.
He also added a bookshelf turned on it’s side as the base of what will be a potter’s bench.
He elevated it by putting palettes underneath it. I will put stray pots, bags of dirt and seed and other potting stuff in those shelves. After he gets the walls up, he will add a pegboard on top of it for my garden tools and gadgets.
Next he put timbers up the corners to support the sides of the greenhouse and also two in the center of where the walls will be.
My job was screwing these onto the base with the electric cordless drill.
Power-tools makes a gal feel SO liberated! See that drill hole? It was my very TOUGH job to put a screw in each one of those that he drilled for me.
Except he had to stop me and show me how to make the screws go in straight, and OH, there was also that issue of the lost screwdriver tip that somehow disappeared off of the face of the earth.
Someday it will turn up in the darndest spot, I tell ya.
At this point I left to go in and fix dinner, and when I came out…he had shelves built!
The next day when I got home from work, he had the metal frame up, which will house the plexi-glass segments.
Stay tuned as we keep working on The Greenhouse.
And yes, the two little white fluff cottonballs were right there trying to claim it as their new doghouse…
Isn’t Mr. Wonderful the most WONDERFUL person ever? He knows what makes me happy, it seems…
Soon there will be glass (plexi) sections in all those framed windows. I’ve already got trays waiting to be filled.
Incidentally, it pays to shop around for these. I looked here at several stores and these same trays ran $8 and up. I found them here and they were $1.65 a piece. Even with shipping they ended up being right around $2.
I cannot WAIT to fill them…and place them on the shelves in the finished greenhouse!
More in the My Little Greenhouse Saga – My Little Greenhouse Part 2
My Little Greenhouse – What I Learned
March 27, 2014 at 6:26 am
March 27, 2014 at 10:45 am