More Pictures from India
Finally! Brettley (my daughter’s roommate) has been posting more pictures from their India trip. Here she is.
Brettley – you are one fine photographer and I need you to give me lessons…
They didn’t want to offend people by taking pictures until they had established a bond with them first.
Here are some pictures from the HIV/AIDS orphanage they are ministering too. I had to wait awhile to post this, so the tears would clear from my eyes after reading this e-mail from my daughter this morning.
Today was hard. We just got back from an HIV/AIDS orphanage. All of the kids have Aids, and almost all of them had lice. It was hard seeing kids that expected that we wouldn’t want to touch them because they were “dirty”. And then, when we actually did hold them, and just took them in our arms, they wouldn’t let go of us. I had a girl who clung to me the whole time we were there, and when we had to leave, she wouldn’t let go of me. It was just heartbreaking. Some of us broke down and started crying. Mom, if I were able to adopt a kid right now, I would take her home in a heartbeat. I’m so glad we get to go back tomorrow and spend more time just loving those kids. We don’t know if we have lice or not yet, but i guess we will find out lol. But it doesn’t matter, because it’s so worth it.
Wow, I was so humbled by her description of these darling children. I’m not sure if this is upon arriving at the orphanage, or when they left. Either way, look at those precious kids.
I wonder if I could adopt all of them?
No word on what happened to this little boy’s eye.
Here is a group of the kids altogether.
I don’t know who this little monkey is, but I want Kayla to bring him home.
And I want her to bring this one as well.
Look at that little baby girl. She’s just too precious for words!
This is Josh, one of the team leaders with the kids.
Hey Josh? Just stuff all those babies into your suitcase and bring em’ on home with you. We’ll take care of them okay?
And here’s Will with another cutie boy. Notice the huge smiles on the kids’ faces?
Hey Will? Get with Joel, empty your suitcases and figure out a plan.
My daughter is living in conditions she’s never had to before…
But experiencing love like she’s never felt before. She’s truly learning about the heart of Jesus.
Fran J
May 27, 2010 at 10:49 am
May 27, 2010 at 5:15 pm