How to Make an Inexpensive Fire Pit

June 13, 2015Katie

For the past couple of years, as we lay in bed with our iPads at night, I have been trying to get Mr. Wonderful to see the light about Pinterest.   I would “ooo” and “aaaaah” over some other things…I even tried to lure him into its addictive ways by showing him there were cars on it, but he would simply nod, put his headphones back on and go back to his usual watching of YouTube videos that often lead him down the rabbit trail of everything from water ski tricks to hot rod races to those horrible “fail” videos that always make me cringe.

And then one day I showed him how one could search for “how to make a fire pit” and with all the ideas that came up, the man was hooked.

He is slowly transforming our backyard into something special with everything from raised garden beds to a new deck made out of pallets. But this was his first project and I just think it’s beautiful.

He started out by buying these stones at our local Home Depot. They are called Pavestone Rumblestone and with a sale and some finagling by Mr. W., he ended getting them for about $2.00/each I believe.

firepit stones

Next came the leveling of the area. He had to dig up grass and using pieces of wood with a level on them, worked on scraping the soil and getting it level.  Then he laid down his first ring of stones.

Lay first ring of firepit

He used 12 in all.

Firepit DIY

As you can see, Max helped by sniffing his approval.

Next he poured pebbles inside and about a foot around the outside of the first ring of bricks.   If you aren’t using flagstone like we did, you could use pebbles as the base of your fire pit ring and pour it out three or four feet to make the “patio” aspect of the fire pit area for a seating area.

Photo Mar 06, 11 54 32 PM

Again he laid the board across the first layer and check for it to be level.

Level one firepit

Next came the second ring. You place one stone directly centered on two stones below making sure the space between the two lower stones is directly down the middle of the stone you’re placing on top.

We opted not to glue these as the stones are heavy enough to stand by themselves and just in case someday we wanted to move them.  Like I said, we’ve never had a problem with them shifting or moving. They are pretty darn heavy. I would also like to say, I didn’t get may pictures from this point on, because I was helping place rocks. I do help with something every once in a while other than taking pictures ya know.

Photo Mar 07, 12 06 04 AM

Next came the third layer of the stones and then Mr. Wonderful add a couple of bags more of the pebbles, to provide a nice thick rock bottom for the pit.

Photo Mar 07, 12 08 34 AM

And then we set about placing all the stones…I say “we” because, again I helped!

Photo Mar 07, 2 29 05 AM

We will probably fill in the dirt spaces around the flagstone at some point with more pea gravel or even cement to make it more stable for benches or chairs.

We have a path leading down the backyard made out of the same flagstone.

Photo Mar 07, 12 24 49 AM

Mr. Wonderful also laid the flagstone from the fire pit area leading out to the main path going down the backyard so it matches.

Photo Mar 07, 2 29 09 AM

And then strategically, he placed some iron tiki torches around the pit area and walkway.

Photo Mar 07, 4 49 51 PM

The end result has been really nice.

Photo Mar 07, 5 00 41 AM

We tested it out that first weekend.

Photo Mar 07, 8 24 42 AM

And man, was I ever glad Mr. W. found Pinterest.

how to build a firepit



  • John

    June 13, 2015 at 7:18 am

    Great post, thanks. You had me at, "as we lay in bed with our ipads at night. " LOL

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