cutting strawberry hearts

How to Cut Strawberry Hearts

February 2, 2015Katie

cutting strawberry hearts

Today’s tutorial is a simple how-to lesson on cutting strawberries into hearts.



And what kind of person would you be if you didn’t know how to cut strawberries into hearts?  Right?

Well, okay, you’d be just fine, but it really is a cute little touch of pizzazz when preparing something for your honey.

Remember last year when I made these simple Valentine Heart Brownies?

Valentine Brownie Hearts

I cut my strawberries for those just like I am teaching you today.

Cut off the end of the strawberry as close to the leaves as you can.

Photo Feb 01, 1 09 17 AM

Next, cut a tiny “V” in the end of the strawberry like follows…

Photo Feb 01, 1 09 35 AM

Then turn the strawberry so the point is in the air and the flat end you cut across with the “V” is on the cutting board. Slice straight down through the strawberry to the cutting board making thin slices.

cutting strawberries into hearts

And you’ll be left with nice little strawberry “hearts”!

strawberry hearts


The End!



  • Marie at the Lazy W

    February 2, 2015 at 7:36 pm

    I will be doing this!! Aww Thanks Katie, Happy Valentine's Day to you and Mr. Wonderful! xoxo
    1. Katie

      February 3, 2015 at 9:15 am

      Marie at the Lazy W - Happy Valentine's Day to you and Handsome! XOXOXO!!
  • Shel Harrington

    February 4, 2015 at 4:55 pm

    Fun, Katie! My husband and I are coordinating the youth group Valentine's Dinner next week and we had planned sugar-lace dusted brownies with a raspberry garnish for desert. I think strawberry hearts are a much better fit for the garnish - thanks for the idea!
    1. Katie

      February 5, 2015 at 11:40 am

      Shel Harrington - that's awesome! I bet your dinner will be fabulous!

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