Guesting on Tulsa Channel 8 KTUL
On the second day of my Tulsa trip last week, I guested on Good Day Tulsa on KTUL Channel 8 with Laura Moss and Chef Matt Kelley.
My daughter goes to college in Tulsa so she spent the night with me at my hotel and rode with me. We wound our way up this hill. You can see the antenna of the TV station.
Finally after seeing “dead end” signs and getting a little worried about driving into what appeared to be a forest, we came out on top of the hill and were relieved to see a giant pole with brightly stenciled letters of the station – KTUL.
We’d found it!
We were ushered into the cutest studio that housed a kitchen set.
I seriously loved their kitchen set.
I felt like I should be wearing a June Cleaver dress and pumps!
The morning anchors Keith Taylor and Laura Moss and weatherman Andrew Kozak hosted the start of the show from this set before we went on.
In the back of my book are recipes from outstanding Oklahoma chefs. This particular morning, Matt Kelley from Lucky’s in Tulsa was joining us on the segment to share the recipe he submitted – Chicken Pesto Pasta.
Hi Matt! I told Matt I was seriously in violation of Commmandment #10 because I was covetting that elongated wooden tray he brought with him at the end of the counter. Not only that, but I also want his pasta roller. The man was making fresh fettucini for his dish.
See why I fell in love with his restaurant?
Pretty soon we were up and this nice lady came out and mic’d us up.
And then we were on!
Laura introduced us and got Matt set to cooking!
And then she asked me about the book.
And then it was over…that quick!
You can watch the video to the segment by clicking the Play arrow below! – Tulsa, Oklahoma – News, Weather
Nancy Jackson
February 15, 2013 at 12:41 pm