Cornhole…Who Knew?

May 2, 2011Katie

Last week in Arizona, my brother-in-law’s family got us hooked on this game called Cornhole. 

What is Cornhole you ask?

It’s kind of like horseshoe but with bean bags, stuffed with feed corn.  The great thing about it is, you can play this in a parking lot or anywhere because the boards are portable, unlike horseshoes, which requires a permanent stake driven into the ground.  I’ve heard this to be very popular with tailgaters before sporting events.

You place the boxes with a hole cut in them 27 feet apart and then you play with 2 teams of 2, with one team member across from the other. So in reality, there is a member of each team at one board.  You take turns throwing 4 bags each at the board across from you.  You get 3 points if the bag goes in the hole and one if the bag lands on the board. BUT, you don’t get all your points if the other team hits also.  You cancel each other out on points.  For example you get one bag in the hole, but the other team gets one in the hole.  You both get 0 points. Then, once you throw all your bags, you teammates across from you take their turn and throw them back.

You play to 21 points BUT, if you go over on your last turn, you go back to 11 (or 15, we played both ways).

So when we got home from playing Cornhole all week in Arizona, Mr. Wonderful set about making us a couple of sets.

He sawed and pounded, drilled and sanded.

Then it was time to paint and decal the boards.  So we decided on a theme for the two different sets he made.

Theme #1 Go Sooners!

And Theme #2 – our current playoff team…The Thunder!

My mom-in-law made the cutest bean bags to match for us.  She even made a tote bag for them with the leftover materials.

Don’t ask what Jade is doing at the top of that picture. I have no idea?  And lil missy Jaderbug?

Well, she seemed to lean more towards the Sooner side of things..

But I think she just thought they were fun slides to play on and there was even an incident with sidewalk chalk coloring on her Papa’s newly painted boards…which made me smile.

We had a cookout Saturday night just so we could play with all our kids and Mr. W was happy to finally get to play with his new toys.

These two jumped right in…while others ate, and lil Miss Busybody stacked bags.

My girls love each other.  My girls are vastly different from each other.

My girls are highly competitive.

You know who else is competitive? These two.

Notice the steel-set jaw, the grim determination, the scowling forehead creases of ” I will MASTER YOU!”

Mr. Wonderful did a great job on these, I foresee a lot of backyard fun with family and friends with these!   Don’t you?

P.S. If you’d like to make your own cornhole game – please visit this site which has a wealth of information.

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