How to Comment on a Blog

August 3, 2010Katie

Did you know you can leave comments on my blog and others?

Yes, it’s true, at the end of each blog post (article) I write, there is a comments box.  You will find it under the big bold words “Leave a reply”.

I know – rocket science huh?

I’ve been bewildered at the number of readers who read my blog but never leave comments.  On any given day, I have hundreds or thousands of readers, according to my blog statistics, but may only get one or two comments. 

Things that make you say hmmmm…?

Please take note – comments are the life and breath of us bloggers !

It’s what keeps us going, what lets us know that somewhere out there in world wide web land, someone somewhere not only is reading what we write, but also actually likes it and may even have an opinion on it.

After reading my friend Beth’s blog today, I read in some of her comments that other bloggers have wondered the same thing. 

It also occurred to me that maybe some people are intimidated by the comment box.

This is a screen shot of my comment box. Mine is fairly simple and doesn’t even require you to use Disquis or Google or any other login to comment. It only requires your name (first name will  work) and e-mail address, which might freak people out but I promise, we do not do anything with this!  This is simply a protection that my spam filter uses to weed out spam comments (you have no idea how many people try to spam blog comments!). 

The last item is a website option. This is for other bloggers to leave their blog address so that if they leave me a comment, I or my readers can actually click on their names and visit their sites. It is not required at all.

There is also a box you can check if you wish to keep updated on how the conversation is continuing on with other persons leaving comments.

And that’s it! That’s all there is to leaving a comment on a blog.  I do have mine set to be approved first, because once again…SPAM!  I usually get to them pretty quickly though so if your comment doesn’t show up right away, it will shortly!

Blogs made on Blogger may be different than mine – usually require you to type in a word that is displayed.  It depends how the blogger has it set up actually.  And some like  my good friends over at The RHOK have theirs set up so that you can log in with your Disquis, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo or OpenID accounts.  Chances are if you have one of these accounts, you know what you’re doing anyway, so I won’t go into that.

Whew, okay, now I can breath a sigh of relief that at least I’ve offered up instructions on how to comment…now…

The rest is up to you!

Won’t you leave comments?

If you don’t, I’ll just wither up and die.


  • Dusty

    August 3, 2010 at 11:27 am

    Gotcha! Comment has been left!
  • tracie

    August 3, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    thank you for this! this helped tremedously! Not only was I a bit intimidated and not sure about the process, wasn't sure you'd desire so strongly to hear from random readers. So let me say I have loved finding and reading your blog for a few months now I think. I love your tips and am especially inspired when you talk about your faith and having all the kids over on Monday nites. We are very inolved with our faith and church and having teens in our home is a big part of our life too. The kitchen and food are at the center too. but I keep feeling called/inspired thru your posts to take it a step further and do something more open and consistent like you're doing on Monday nites. Loved your last post about the teen you encouraged to finish high school.
    1. freelancerfoyez2002

      November 23, 2024 at 1:55 pm

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  • Nancy Jackson

    August 3, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    Yes our emotions are up and down like roller coasters when people do and don't comment!!! Sorry, that's just the was us bloggers be made.... :}
  • Lacey

    August 4, 2010 at 12:23 am

    I can't let you wither up and die because I LOVE your blog! I discovered it about a month ago and now I check it daily just in case you may have posted. I have made several of your recipes and every one of them has been fabulous. In fact, I made your fabulous Butter Pecan Squares this weekend when my family came over to see our new house for the first time. My mom said they are her new favorite dessert! Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put in to sharing with us!
  • Lacey

    August 4, 2010 at 12:31 am

    I am an idiot. The Butter Pecan Squares were from "BunsInMyOven". But I think your Chocolate Hazelnut Wontons are super clever, not to mention easy. I love your tips and tricks! Thanks again!
    1. dishinanddishes

      August 4, 2010 at 12:26 pm

      Lacey - I'm intrigued now and have to go visit BunsInMyOven! Thanks for all the compliments!
  • cooking whole ham

    August 5, 2010 at 12:04 pm

    Such a well written post.. Thnkx for sharing this post!
  • Wilmington Home Repair Pros

    August 25, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    awesome i was totally lost as to figuring out a dessert...we are doing an asian theme dinner this friday night...this sounds like the perfect way to end the meal
  • Sasha

    March 4, 2021 at 2:31 am

    Well written post, but how do we engage other commentators in the comment section of a blog?
    1. Katie

      March 12, 2021 at 12:18 pm

      Sasha - There's a Reply button on each person's comment you can click on to reply :)
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  • lizsaju123

    October 15, 2024 at 12:16 am

    Thank you for sharing such an insightful post, Katie! I completely agree with your thoughts on how comments fuel the motivation for bloggers. As someone who reads many blogs, including those related to Dharmik Paryatan (spiritual tourism), I find it enriching to leave comments that add to the conversation. It's great to know the importance of sharing our thoughts, not just silently reading. I especially appreciate how you’ve simplified the process for commenting. Sometimes, the fear of complex logins or spam worries hold people back, but your approach makes it accessible to everyone. I’ll definitely be more proactive in leaving comments on blogs that I enjoy, including this one! Thank you again for the reminder that our voices matter in this digital space. Keep up the great work! Discover the best of North India with Dharmik Paryatan, the leading travel agency in Haridwar. Renowned for exceptional travel services, we offer culturally rich and spiritually fulfilling experiences across Uttarakhand and beyond. Plan your next journey with one of India’s top tour operators!

Don't be afraid to comment! I LOVE to hear from my readers!

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