Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Giveaway!
This giveaway is over.
Do you love chocolate?
Then you’ll want to read about this…especially since Valentine’s Day is approaching ….fast!
My friend Angela from Oklahoma Dove Discoveries Chocolatier sent me some of their products to try and this week, while home for a snow day, I made this Chocolate Mousse they offer..
And it was scrumptious!
Check out the recipe below, and how easy it is to make, then enter a comment below telling me what you plan to do for Valentine’s Day to enter for a chance to win a gift pack from Dove of chocolate yumminess. Here’s what you’ll win! There will be TWO winners!
A mini mousse kit which consists of a package of mousse mix & the two bars of chocolate to make it, along with a catalog & entertaining guide. The entertaining guide has lots of recipes in it. Angela will give away (2) mini mousse kits with a catalog and entertaining guide and also 2 packets of the Chai tea mix as well (which is fabulous!)
Look how easy this mousse is to make…
You just take some whipped cream and pour it into a bowl along with the contents of one package of the mousse mix right into the whipped cream and whip for a minute to incorporate well.
Whip the cream and mixture together until you get soft peaks.
While that’s mixing up, you take one of the 2 oz. bars of Chef’s series dark chocolate and microwave it for about 30 seconds.
If it’s not melted after thirty seconds, keep returning it to the microwave for 20 second increments, stirring after each.
Then pour the chocolate into your whipped cream mousse mixture.
And just use a rubber spatula to fold it over on itself until all the chocolate mixes in.
Then to make it really pretty, I spooned the mixture into a quart size freezer bag and snipped off a generous corner and squeezed it into these darling crystal dessert flutes Mr. Wonderful got me for my birthday.
And for prettiness again, I shaved a bit of another bar of the chocolate over the top.
The entire process literally took me two minutes.
Would you like to know more about Oklahoma Dove Discoveries Chocolatiers? Visit Angela’s Facebook page here. There are many more chocolate wonders to check out…
Want a free, no strings attached try of everything to make this mousse and also a Chai tea packet?
Just leave me a comment telling what you’re doing for Valentine’s Day in the comments below. Make SURE you leave me an e-mail address to contact you!
Are you going to your favorite place with your sweetheart? Are you staying home and cooking?
Maybe you’re still looking for that special someone and you and your girlfriends or guy friends are protesting Valentine’s Day but still want chocolate!
For an extra entry, go “Like” Angela’s facebook page and come back and leave me another comment telling me you’re done so!
Contest ends tomorrow at we can get this in the mail to you quick!
This is what I love to do…stay at home and have a wonderful romantic evening with my honey. It always involves chocolate.
At least for dessert. And this would be the perfect, easy thing to have!
February 6, 2011 at 10:34 am
February 6, 2011 at 10:35 am
February 6, 2011 at 3:29 pm
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Nicolle Noyes
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Amanda Bosque
February 7, 2011 at 9:59 am
CarrieLee Farris
February 7, 2011 at 10:09 am
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Cheri Carpenter
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Capitol to Capital
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