It’s spring around here…and I’ve already told you I’ve got the outdoor bug. Today I planted 4 Early Girl tomato plants due to the promise of a 50 day maturity. I don’t mind telling you that 50 days seems like a LONG time, but really that’s just at the end of April….right?
It’s that time of year…the time that makes me antsy and giddy with pleasure. Yes it’s St. Patrick’s Day…and I’m not cooking one thing Irish or green…except for smashed potatoes and roasted asparagus tonight..does that count? But I am doing something green…well..sorta. Green as in plants. Time to plant herbs!
So yes, it’s past mid-October and those crazy poblano peppers that I planted? The ones that have only flowered until now? They’re producing scads of peppers. What’s up with that? Anyone know?
So here’s my sum-up at the end of the summer, since the first day of Fall has officially hit us. My garden stunk. Period. My prized heirloom tomatoes that I so enjoyed last year got pounded by hail, beaten by rain and scorched by heat, in that order. Welcome to Oklahoma weather. I did get a few cucumbers early on before the inferno-hot sun dried up the plants. And I did and am still producing million jalepenos, which is nothing to scoff at. So much so, that I’ve let some of them turn red, which is kind of fun. I also got a few stray okra popping out here and there. I’ve been collecting them and popping them into the freezer. By October, perhaps, I’ll…
Mr. Wonderful and I moved into our house in September of 2005 and these flowers were popping up in the backyard. I think they’re my favorite flowers. I love their spidery look. Someone told me they were “Naked Ladies”. And that’s what I’ve called them ever since. If anyone knows the real name of these flowers, I would greatly appreciate you sharing. That way my husband and I can stop telling people there are naked ladies in our yard. Thank you. I have Googled and cannot find them! Leave a comment below if you know!
Finally! Some results. After our numerous hail storms and torrential rain downpours this spring that resulted in my heirlooms seedlings being wiped out, I finally have some results in my garden! My cucumber plant is busting out all over with cucumbers! Look for recipes soon involving cucumbers. Lots of them.
Here’s a quick garden update. I haven’t posted much on my garden this summer due to the fact that I lost all my heirloom seedlings that I’d nurtured from seed in the house. I had just put them outside when the monstrous hailstorm hit and wiped them all out. I had to go buy some heirloom plants from my local nursery and sadly, no Black Krims. So I mourned awhile and then got on with life. The vegetable garden is coming along nicely. I got smart this year and bought a soaker hose because the sprinkler system doesn’t hit the bed very well. Last year I stood with the hose every day. This year, I just turn on the soaker and go inside and set…
Here’s a tip for you if you want to grow parsley and mint but don’t want it taking over your herb garden as it tends to do. Sink a pot down into the soil and plant your parsley or mint in it. It will contain the roots and keep it from spreading but you can still enjoy it in your garden. I think it makes for a pretty added decoration with the pot as well. Be careful to not let it seed, or your task will be in vain!