Brussels sprouts… These brilliantly green miniature cabbages are packed with vitamins A and C and folic acid and are a great source of fiber, but sadly are underrated or unloved by many. Just bring up their name in a crowd of people and watch people instantly start making the icky face. Perhaps it’s because most…
My Aunt Jane left me a post on my Facebook wall the other day saying “I made your Southern country red potatoes and green beans recipe today…yummy!” I confess, it’s been so long since I’ve made these, I had to stop and think about what she was talking about. I learned to make this shortly…
Elote is just the Mexican way of saying “corn on the cob” and is also commonly known as a Mexican street food sold from carts and stands along the road, especially in the evening hours. Mexican corn on the cob however, is served a little differently, (and deliciously) than our traditional American corn on the…
I have always loved squash. Especially baked squash in the casserole form. Even as a kid, my mom would saute zucchini and yellow squash together in a little butter in a frying pan and I adored it. I like it coated with a little flour and cornmeal and fried and I even like it chopped…
Happy Spring! Do you know what vegetables are in season now? I love too cook with what’s in season, hit the local farmer’s market and try to make something out of it! Also, when produce is in season it tends to go on sale, so it helps your pocketbook as well! Maybe you just want…
Spaghetti squash was once a foreign oddity to me. I usually tend to associate “stringy” things with textures I don’t like when it comes to vegetables. I detest strings in green beans and asparagus and therefore never really cared to try them in squash. I am all about texture. I hate pulp or floaties in…
Growing up, my Mom instilled a love for zucchini squash in me. During the summer, she would slice them into rounds and grill them in a pan with butter, salt and pepper. I couldn’t wait for the softened savory squash to be scooped out of the frying pan and lovingly ladeled onto my plate. It…
I love cilantro. I love lime. I love the combination of the two together. I try to work them into different things I cook. Today I decided to try my hand and make them into a butter to spread over grilled corn. I have to say, it was delicious! The best part about this recipe…