Trying to eat healthy at our house is always a challenge. Everyone has a different palette. The Wonderful guy has to have meat at all meals and all of us girls are trying to eat healthy. The boy is just plain picky. But last night we made this Asian Chicken Lettuce Wrap recipe and we all…
Mr. Wonderful and I still try to keep our once a week date nights. This has been challenging in the past year, due to his job change and hours, but we know how important it is to the health of our marriage, so we keep trying! This is one of our favorite things to…
Mr. Wonderful and I still try to keep our once a week date nights. This has been challenging in the past year, due to his job change and hours, but we know how important it is to the health of our marriage, so we keep trying! This is one of our favorite things to…
Bourbon Chicken. This is my meal of choice when my kids make me go to the mall with them. Have I mentioned my aversion to the mall? I mean, I am just appalled that to go to a movie nowadays, you have to park 1000 miles away in a parking lot of a million cars,…