Look Fear in the Face
So, I want you to meet my guest author and a very special person to me. Taylor has just tonight introduced me to Madea…and I have laughed so hard, I am plum laughed out.
She is an incredibly strong and talented young lady who has always impressed me with her constant stand for her beliefs and her maturity as a young Christian woman. Taylor has written today to share about her views on fear….so, here’s a thought from Taylor…
(Courtesy of Taylor Rednose)
There is so much fear in our country today. From the economy, to the swine flu outbreak, and even talk of the end of the world approaching.
It’s amazing because we recognize God in our country’s pledge, but if we truly recognized him, we would not fear anything but Him. Because He did not give us the spirit of fear, so if it wasn’t given to us by God, then where did we learn this trait?
I believe all of these things will be handled by my God, and if it is the end of the world, I am calm and ready, because I know and believe God’s promise. All these events that are happening are just storms, and one thing I know about storms due to living in Oklahoma, is, it that it is truly beautiful once the storm passes.
“There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fear. There will be a day when the burden of this place will be no more. We’ll see Jesus face to face.”
Amen Taylor! If we can all just keep our eyes up and focused on our Maker, we can stop fearing all the junk down below that threatens to shake our world.
May 4, 2009 at 10:29 am